
"Dear all the students, teachers, parents and our honored guests, welcome to this general meeting of our school. Today I am able to honor you as the school president with great pride. Education is the highest human treasure of human society, and our school is full of this motto. .We are trying to add our new creativity and idiosyncrasy in the light of this ancient continuous education. Our team of teachers are leading our students with great enthusiasm and preparation. Their contribution is infinite and valuable. Our aim is not only to increase in syllabus and examination. , but to develop a complete personality and talent. We want our students to achieve personal growth while completing the journey with prosperity and established in an excellent and worthwhile institution in the society. I want to improve the leadership. We all work together to make the school better and more successful. I look forward to the cooperation and contribution of all of us. We can all build a better future and make our school proud. Thanks everyone. A successful meeting is definitely more valuable than a successful organization.” Thank you.

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(2024 - 2025)

Joining Date

20 Dec 2023

Resign Date

19 Dec 2025